Does your business provide services to other businesses? Are you a minority business owner? Could you benefit from connecting with other like minded businesses?
Experience AGGC Connect
Don’t miss this opportunity to promote your business and connect with Birmingham’s business community.
Prepare to join us at the AG Gaston Conference Connect, where there is a space to learn, connect, and grow your business. As we celebrate 20 years of this conference, we are providing a space for businesses to showcase your services for free.

- Minority-Owned business
- Business services are offered to other businesses
- Complete Connect application
- Undergo brief interview to be approved
Only small businesses focused on providing services to other companies will be considered. Those selected will be notified via email.
Space is limited.
The AGGC takes place February 13-14, 2024 at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex.
AGGC Business Connect Exhibitor Space Includes
- Listing on AGGC Website
- Two AGGC Tickets
- Access to AGGC Events
- 10 x 10 Booth Space
- 6ft Table and 2 Chairs
- Electricity will be available upon request
Businesses provide:
- Table cloth
- Company Information for display and exhibitors